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Eduardo Jorge de Oliveira close

Eduardo Jorge de Oliveira is a researcher, writer and translator.

He is a senior researcher at ETH Zurich and has previously worked as assistant professor in Brazilian Studies (Literature, Culture, Media) at the Romance Studies Department of the University of Zurich - UZH (2016-2023). He teaches comparative literature, literary theory, visual culture and lusophone and Brazilian literatures. As an art critic he writes about Latin America art.  De Oliveira is a PhD in Literature Theory and Comparative Literature from the Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG (Brazil), with research at École Normale Supérieure – ENS, Paris. He was researcher at Center for History and Art Theory – CEHTA, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales – EHESS, Paris (2014-2016), Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte DFK, Paris (2022) and Max Planck Institute, Rome (2022). He has published the following books: Beschweigen, Bezeichnen: Mira Schendel und die Schrift unmittelbaren Erlebens (Denkt Kunst, Diaphanes, 2020, 80 p. Trans. Melanie Strasser); A invenção de uma pele: Nuno Ramos em obras (Iluminuras,

2020, 150 p.). He is co-editor of the book on Oswald de Andrade and the Anthropophagous manifesto: Antropofagias! Um livro manifesto (De Oliveira, Masseno, Bachmann, Carrillo-Morell, Peter Lang, 2020, 325 p) and, with Kenneth David Jackson, Poesia-Crítica-Tradução: Haroldo de Campos e a educação dos sentidos (Peter Lang, 2022, 417 p). De Oliveira is one of the editors of Língua-Lugar, the University of Zurich’s Portuguese Studies Partnership with the University of Geneva:; as translator (French Portuguese), he translated books by Édouard Glissant, Phillipe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jacques Rancière, Michel Carrouges, Muriel Pic, Georges Didi-Huberman).

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